Friday, January 2, 2009

a/r test 7

in each of the following questions, a statement of assertion is given and a corresponding statement of reason is given just below it. of the statements, mark the correct answer as

a) both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true and R is false
d) both A and R are false

topic: origin of life

A: Louis Pasteur proved biogenesis by his swan neck flask experiment
R: the control in his experiment was- swan neck of the flask

A: coacervates and microspheres can be differentiated on the basis of "ability to divide"
R: microspheres can divide, coacervates can't

A: the primitive atmosphere consist of water, ammonia and methane and was highly reducing
R: Miller's experiment produced Haldane's pre-biotic soup

A: first form of autotrophic nutrition was chemosynthesis
R: photosynthesis was developed by blue green algae

A: mitochondria and chloroplast initially existed as independent prokaryotes
R: the presence of genetic machinery in them and their maternal inheritance proves this fact

topic: cell structure 1

A: Eudorina, Pandorina and Tetraspora have fixed number of cells
R: growth of organism takes place by increase in cell size

A: plasma membrane is differentially permiable
R: both lipids and protiens are responsible for this property

A: diatoms, brown algae and dinoflagellates contain phaeoplasts
R: fucoxanthin is their main pigment

A: chlorophyll is necessary for assimilation of CO2 in green plants
R: PS I is present in stroma

A: chloroplast and mitochondria show maternal inheritance
R: they have 70S ribosome

topic: basic concepts

A: the existence of a compound in two or more different crystalline forms is called polymorphism
R: zinc blende and wurtzite are polymorphs

A: alums are isomorphs
R: the existence of different compounds with similar chemical compositions in same crystalline form is called isomorphism

A: U-235 and U-238 are separated by converting them into hexafluorides
R: their hexafluorides are gaseous and have different rates of diffusion

A: the avogadro number is equal to the number of molecules present in one gram molecule of nitrogen gas
R: nitrogen molecules contain 2 nitrogen atoms

A: H2S, SO2 and H2O follow law of reciprocal proportions
R: law of definite proportions state that when two elements combine to form two or more chemical compounds, then the masses of one of the elements which combines with a fix mass of the other, bears a simple ratio to one another

topic: units and dimensions

A: length, mass and velocity can act as fundamental quantities in a system of units; mass, time and velocity also can but length, time and velocity can't
R: the fundamental quantities are those quantities which do not depend on other quantities in the system

A: there are 9 base units in SI
R: radian and steradian are base units

A: the limits of a derived quantity in terms of base quantities is called dimensional formula and raised powers on the base quantities are called dimensions
R: dimensions does not depend on the units of quantity

A: a dimensionless quantity may have unit
R: all unitless quantities are dimensionless

A: the principle of homogeneity of dimensions state that dimensions on both sides of equation must be same
R: an equation which is dimensionally correct is also practically correct

one of our readers-anonymously but aptly suggested that the test series should be topicwise for enhanced practise! thanks for suggestion! it has been followed up!
another reader-vignesh, suggested a very fine tip on solving a/r questions, that can be viewed anytime in my scrapbook on orkut!
more readers suggestion and comments are invited! make this blog better for your sake!

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