Sunday, January 4, 2009

a/r solution 7


1. b
louis pasteur proved biogenesis by swan neck experiment in which swan neck acted as the control of the experiment, ie, in one of the flask, the neck was straight and in the other it was swan like

2. c
coacervates can divide but microspheres cant

3. c
pre biotic soup contained complex sugars and nucleotides. miller's experiment provided much simpler compounds like alanine, aspartic acid, formic acid etc. miller's experiment proved that premitive atmospheric conditions could have led to the origin of life

4. b
chemosynthesis was the first form of autotrophic nutrition evolved on earth. photosynthesis came much later with origin of BGA (blue green algae)

5. a
the presence of genetic machinery and the maternal inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplast proves that they existed as independent prokaryotes initially


1. b
Eudorina (16, 32 or 64), Pandorina (8-16 or 72) and Tetraspora (4) have fixed number of cells due to their genetic regulation. growth is due to growth in size of cells

2. c
only protiens are responsible for permeability

3. a
phaeoplast is the chromoplast containing fucoxanthin as main pigment

4. d
assimilation of CO2 takes place in dark reaction and do not require chlorophyll. PS I is present in thyllakoids

5. b


1. b
zinc blende and wurtzite are polymorphs of ZnS

2. a
note that in the first question the answer for similar statements was taken as b and here it is a, this is becuse reason is the correct explanation of assertion here. in the first question, reason was stated as example. if you reverse the position of a/r in question 1 , the answer will change to a. similarly on reversing a/r in question 2, the answer will change to b

3. a
the separation of a mixture of gases on the basis of their rate of diffusion is called atmolysis

4. b

5. c


1. a
length, mass and velocity are independent of each other and thus can be taken as fundamental quantities(time will not be fundamental quantity then). mass, time and velocity can also be taken (length will not be a fundamental quantity then). however, velocity=length/time. so, length, time and velocity can't act as fundamental quantities together, because fundamental quantities do not depend on other quantities in the group

2. d
radian and steradian are called supplementary units, base units are 7

3. b

4. b
angle have radian as unit but is a dimensionless quantity, similarly many other quantities are dimensionless but have units but unitless quantities are always dimensionless

5. c

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